Wedding Flower & Event Décor Questionnaire
Hello and congratulations on getting married!
Thank you for contacting us to discuss your wedding flowers. For us both to get the most out of our consultation and make it as effective as possible, I’d ask you to just spend a few minutes filling in as much as you can of this questionnaire. Don’t worry if you can’t fill some parts in because you don’t know the answer yet or it simply doesn’t apply to you, just complete as much as you can and send me a completed copy, then I’ll take it from there and guide you through the rest. This should all be an easy and hopefully an enjoyable process for you, so I don’t want you to stress about a questionnaire.
About your Consultation –
Once you’ve filled in this form and sent it to me, I’ll be in contact to arrange a consultation, so we can go through it together.
During our meeting, we will go through any ideas you have, talk about any arrangements you think you may need and at the end of it all I will have enough information to be able to get an accurate quote together for you. The meeting itself usually takes around 30-45 mins depending on how much there is to discuss.
Please ‘WhatsApp’ me any of your inspiring images, that may help to get your vision across.